Martha McCarthy

Martha McCarthy

Tuesday, 21 August 2018

Martha’s EHCP Tribunal

Martha’s transition to the new EHCP hasn’t gone as well as we’d hoped. As well as large gaps in the provision Martha needs (such as 1-2-1 support at all times) we were also concerned that the local authority school could not meet Martha’s multiple and complex needs. Having tried to resolve this for many months Martha’s case ended up going to a tribunal held at the Royal Courts of Justice in London. The outcome of this was that while the EHCP is now a lot more specific about what Martha needs in terms of input and support requirements, the judge on the day felt that the local authority school could meet Martha’s needs so has ruled that Martha should start at Manor Green for her secondary education in September. While we still have significant concerns about the schools ability to fully meet Martha’s needs we now have no option but to see how things go. We will continue to monitor the progress of the school to meet Martha’s needs and highlight any issues.

Martha has fun at Disneyland Paris on a Family Holiday

Martha enjoyed a few days away over the summer holidays with her family at Disneyland in Paris. Travelling via the Eurotunnel in her specially adapted wheelchair accessible vehicle (WAV) Martha and her family drove to the Disneyland resort on the outskirts of Paris.  

Safely Arrived at the Disneyland Parc in Paris

Staying on resort made life much easier as we could walk from the accommodation to the attractions and Martha really enjoyed mealtimes trying all the different foods on offer. 

Martha having Fun in the Sun

Martha’s favourite ride while at the Disneyland Parc was “It’s a Small World”. Martha loved this ride and the music. At home Martha has a doll that plays the song and Martha was so excited to be in the park enjoying the ride.

Martha at It's a Small World ride

Martha’s 11th Birthday Celebrations and Panto Visit

Martha turned eleven years old on 16th January and we celebrated in the usual way with a family gathering before a trip to see the Quince Players annual pantomime, this year Little Tommy Tucker. 

Martha with her Birthday Cake

Everyone had a lovely time and as both Mummy, Daddy and sister Orla were all involved in the production it really was a family affair.

Happy Christmas from Martha

Martha celebrated Christmas 2017 at home with her family and her Grandad (Golf) and Nana came to visit.

Martha Wearing her Christmas Jumper

Martha had a lovely time opening all her presents and she particularly enjoyed tucking into her favourite food for Christmas lunch. 

Martha Opening some Presents

Martha with Mummy, Orla, Nana and Grandad Golf.

Merry Christmas from Martha to all of her family, friends and supporters.

Martha In Hospital with Pneumonia

Martha had been suffering from a cold that turned into a chest infection. After several weeks of antibiotics Martha was rushed into hospital overnight on Wed 25th Oct where she was eventually diagnosed with pneumonia. 

Martha in Frimley Park Hospital

Martha ended up staying in Frimley Park hospital for 5 days while they worked to bring the pneumonia under control. We are very thankful to all of the staff at the hospital for taking such good care of Martha. After a couple more weeks of convalescence Martha thankfully returned to full strength. 

Martha’s Grandad Pat Sadly Passes Away

We are very sad to report that Martha’s beloved grandad Pat passed away peacefully in his sleep on 2nd Oct. Grandad Pat was Martha’s biggest supporter and did everything he could to help her. 

Martha with her Grandad Pat

While his passing was a big shock for the family it will be, in time, comforting to know that Grandad Pat led a full and happy life and he was still active and enjoying life until the end. Martha and her sister Orla will miss their grandad very much.

Martha’s Innowalk Arrives

We are very excited to say that the Innowalk from Vida Global finally arrived in mid-August. Martha
started to use this piece of specialist equipment, shipped from Norway, to start a daily exercise programme to strengthen her core muscles and stretch/stretch her arms and her legs. 

Martha Trialling the Innowalk

Martha uses the machine for 30-40 minutes at a time and not only is it great for exercising/toning muscles but it’s also amazing for cardiovascular exercise – something that Martha has had very little up to now. Martha loves being in the machine and we have high hopes that this will be another positive step in our aim to help Martha be as independently mobile as possible.