Shortly after she was born, Martha was diagnosed with dysplasia of the hips and she wore a hip splint for many months to help stabilise her hips. Since then she has had regular hip reviews with Mr Dempster (Orthopaedic Surgeon at Frimley Park Hospital).
Martha's recent review showed that while her left hip was still well contained in the socket, her right hip was showing some signs of not being so well contained and this is likely to be the reason why her hips appear uneven and that her legs appear to be different lengths.
Martha ready for her Red Nose day at school |
It is possible that Martha may need an operation on her right hip to ensure that the hip socket is well contained and will not dislocate in the future - something particularly important if Martha starts to walk.
Mr Dempster has referred Martha to a specialist team at Oxfords John Radcliffe hospital for a second opinion before any decisions are made as this would be a significant operation to put Martha through.
Martha is currently waiting for an appointment.